Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nyeisha's/Finishing They Say, I Say pg.28

If I could watch a stand up comedian all the time it would definitely have to be Kevin Hart.  He is my favorite and if you watched his sets you probably would too.  He is so hilarious, so talented and his material is raw and it's soothing to hear some fresh material that almost everyone can relate to.  Kevin talks about his son and how he think his son is a dumb baby because of the noises he makes and sometimes he hides in the oven.  One of the reasons I like him so much is that he says things that regular people wouldn't dare say because their afraid of societies response.  He is pure genius and I personally think that he will be around  for a very long time.

Nyeisha's Assignment pg.28 in They Say, I Say

a)Scientists suggest that there is a deadly amount of chemicals in our water here in Ohio's . Though I'm sure about this statement made above I can say that if this is true the people of our government needs to address this matter swiftly.b)Male forces drive through I don't believe that to be true.  Often many women are not receiving the proper dues when it comes to males supposedly forces drive history.c)Some people say that rationality is poor because of the English Language.  I think that our language is very defined just look at some of our great writer's Anne Lamott, Frederick Douglass, and Mary Sherry.d)Male students always dominate class discussions, In my opinion this is the first time that I've heard this statement.  Many women do participate in classroom discussions, I guess people feel this way because there not listening! e)The film is about the problems of romantic relationships, this piece is needs to be more specific. It is unfounded so I can't really make a comment. What film?f)I'm afraid templates like the ones in this book will stifle my creativity. I agree in some form were sort of forced to see things the writer of this book has to say.

Nyeisha's Summary of Vegetarian by Emily Poe pg.15 and pg.28 in They Say, I Say

1)Living Meat Free
In this short story Emily Poe talks about the importance of saving our animals.  Although she uses the agree and disagree strategy to state her opinion for both meat eaters and vegetarians.  She brings up a very valid point in my opinion that it is humane to sustain a nonmeat diet.
2)Although some people believe that eating meat is very satisfying, others would argue that it is inhumane. 
Emily thinks that this is not a suitable lifestyle for human beings.  I agree in some sense that  eating meat is not healthy and it also causes health problems as you get older.  Yet I do understand why some people do eat meat I for instance am a meat eater and I have been for as long as I can remember.  It has been a way of life for so long that those habits are hard to break. Whether people listen to this message or not people need to become aware of exactly what their body is consuming.

Nyeisha's Significant Person in my Life/WP1 Assignment

                                                The Significant Person in my Life
                                    There was someone in my life that played an important role in my literacy, and that person was my mother.  Her name is Jacqueline Washington. As a young girl around eight or nine, that’s when she taught me how powerful it was to have an education.  My mother would always express to me how significant it was to attend school everyday and be productive and if I did this, it would surely help me out in my future.  So I stayed in school and did exactly what my mother told me to do.
                                    After me and my mother spoke to me about school she would always help me with my homework if I needed it even when she had a long stressful day at work, she never missed the opportunity to assist me if necessary.  I started to maintain good grades in school and became one of my teacher’s star students and my mother was very proud.  By the end of that third grade school year at Fundamental Education Center located on Cleveland’s east side I was an A/B student.
                                    As the years past I was unstoppable in school my grades had gotten better.  As the years had past I maintained Merit Roll status all the way to the eighth grade.  I had okay teachers, but I always felt that they were there for a paycheck instead of it being a passion for them.  I had this one teacher that gave us work to do but the class was so disruptive that she just passed a lot of my classmates along just to get them out of her class and sent them to the next teacher.
                                    I was one in a few that understood the work that was given to me, if it was something that I didn’t comprehend because the lack of direction the teacher gave I always had my mother’s support.  After eighth grade though I went and started hanging out with some people I had no business even associating with and went down the wrong path for a while .
                                    For a long time I was partying with people who I assumed were my friends and I started drinking and doing things that were not at all Nyeisha.  So at around fifteen almost sixteen I found out I was pregnant with my now sixteen year old son.  Though my mother made me drop out of school and raise my son she knew how important school was but at the time I had someone more important at the time that needed me.
                                    I stayed at home and raised my son too, it was a struggle for me but like my mother said “You made your bed now lay in it.”  It was difficult to give up all of my teenage freedom and grow up so quickly but there was no way of getting around this.  My mother was very upset with me for making such a poor decision so young with me being a child myself, how was I going to be a good mother as a teenager. 
                                    After many many years of living and learning and going through trials and tribulations with being such a young mother regardless my mother was still there for me even to wipe the tears from my eyes when I needed her to.  Thanks to my mother telling me that it is never to late to go back to school and you’ve always been a star student so you will be fine.  She made me the person I am today and she is one of the main reasons I have the motivation to go back.  Even with the hell I gave her she never not once gave up on me.
                                    Thank You mom for always being a backbone for me when I needed one, and taking out the time to be a real mother to me.  And for always being honest and never sugar coating things for me, truly this is one person who deserves to be mentioned in this story.  This is someone who made a huge significance in my life story.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nyeisha's Summary on In Praise of the F Word

                                       In Praise of the F Word by Mary Sherry

                                      In Praise of the F Word by Mary Sherry is a article about how children were
passed in school without having the necessary tools that they needed to move forward.  It also tells how
this has a longterm effect on those particular students as far as finding a good job and being semiliterate.
Mary also talks about how children were passed just because they didn't get into any troule in school
and that the teachers should have put a little more pressure on them to make them develop the tools that
they will need entering adulthood.   She also talks about students receiving high school diploma when they
acually did not earn them.  She describes how it is difficult in her profession to see this type of behavior go
on.  No matter what Mary says as a teacher do what you have to to get the students attention and keep it.
She also speaks in detail about how drugs and bad relationships have a strain on students as well because of
being passed without the proper education they needed therefore making it extremely difficult to land a good job, because that is something believe it or not employers are focused on.  So she came up with a system that if her students did not want to learn or did not want to pay attention, she would tell their parents that they
would fail. Now telling a student that they would fail was a different ballgame, because now this made the students pay attention and focus on the bigger picture and that was earning a high school diploma.  Even with adults going back to school they knew how important it was to receive the equivalence of a high school diploma.  In high school they don't see the importance of one until it is too late. So in conclusion, Mary says don't play with your education and learn all you can because it will be very beneficial in the long run.



Nyeisha's Summary on Public and Private Language by Richard Rodriguez

My Summary of Public and Private Language by Richard Rodriguez
                        Public and Private Language by Richard Rodriguez was a story about a little boy
who was of the Spanish descent.  He went to a private school where he was to be taught how to
speak the English language.  Richard had a very difficult time just the same as his siblings
learning to speak another language.  In class Richard would have reservations not alone about
just interacting with class activities, he felt misplaced and alone while it seemed that everyone
else had to almost master it.
                          It came to a point that the teachers had to make a house visit to speak with his
parents about his struggles to learn the language.  The teachers suggested that they start to speak
English with their kids at home so they would feel less frustrated at school, and so Richard’s
family agreed.  So for the days to come they tried speaking English at home though it was
something out of their comfort zone, they wanted to at least attempt it for their children’s sake.
                          Soon Richard was feeling like he wouldn’t learn it, but he kept at as he grew
anxious to speak as everyone around him.  Meanwhile back at home his family still spoke to
their children in English to help them better understand how important it was to learn it. 
Listening to the other kids run up and down the street and speak English and it made him
Feel worse than he already felt which made him more anxious to learn.  It was painfully
obvious that Richard was having a hard time speaking in public which was why he never spoke
up in class.  One day in class he came over his shyness and raised his hand to give an answer
in a loud voice and to his surprise the whole class understood what he had said.  A confident
feeling came over Richard, he knew he gained the strength he needed to be able to speak in
public. From that day forward Richard knew he was an American Citizen and proud to be one.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Nyeisha's blog

Hi this is Nyeisha, I'm looking forward to Eng. this semester. I hope you enjoy my blogs!

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog for ENG in Spring 2011. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you!